September 3, 2024 9:11 am

I hope you enjoy reading this post. If you have an questions or need any guidance reach out to me here. . .

The Curvy Goddess 30-Day Fitness Challenge is happening! And here's why... 

We’ve all heard it before: “Weight loss is 80% diet.” Or the famous line, “Abs happen in the kitchen.” But let me ask you this: Why would you want to lose weight but struggle to lift a piece of luggage over your head to place it in the overhead bin on a plane? 

Why focus only on weight loss if you can't get off the couch without a struggle or safely carry that Amazon package up the stairs? It’s time to challenge that mindset. It’s time to change the way you think about your body and fitness.

plus size woman is struggling and exhausted carrying packages up the stairs

Your body is designed to be active – every single day. And while weight loss is important for many, it’s not the only goal. Your body deserves more than a diet; it deserves strength, agility, and resilience. That’s why I created the 30-Day Curvy Goddess Fitness Challenge – to help you embrace daily movement and build real-life strength, not just shed pounds.

What Happened to Me Before I Became a Plus Size Personal Trainer?

For years, I found myself focusing solely on the number on the scale, believing that weight loss alone would solve my problems. I followed all the advice—meal prepping, calorie counting, obsessing over every bite I took. Yes, I did lose weight, but something didn’t feel right.

Despite the changes in my appearance, I didn’t feel healthier. I felt weak. I found myself out of breath just walking up the stairs or carrying groceries from the car.

plus size woman is obsessing over losing weight

It wasn’t long before I realized that something was missing. I was lighter, sure, but I wasn’t stronger. Simple tasks—lifting luggage, standing up from the couch, or carrying groceries—still felt like a challenge. What was the point of all this weight loss if I didn’t have the energy or physical ability to live my life freely?

That’s when I had a revelation: My body was designed to be stronger and more agile no matter what size it was. This was my "aha" moment.

I began incorporating small, consistent movements into my day. I let go of the idea that workouts had to be formal, intense, and long. I started with 10-minute stretches in the morning, a walk after lunch, and simple bodyweight exercises in the evening.

Each day was a new opportunity to move my body, listen to what it needed, and celebrate the small victories. Before I knew it, I felt different. My body became more capable. My energy increased. I no longer dreaded lifting that suitcase or bending down to pick something up.

plus size woman stretching in the morning in her bedroom

This daily movement didn’t just make me stronger physically; it transformed my mindset. I stopped punishing myself for every missed workout and started celebrating every bit of progress, no matter how small. Fitness became less about extremes and more about consistency. And that’s what the Curvy Goddess 30-Day Fitness Challenge is all about: sustainable habits that improve your strength, agility, and confidence in everyday life.

a joyful plus size woman doing her plus size workouts consistenty

The Rhetoric of Weight Loss

The world is filled with fitness advice that focuses on one thing: weight loss. We are constantly bombarded with diet plans, calorie-counting apps, and the relentless pressure to reduce the number on the scale. 

Don’t get me wrong—losing weight can be important, especially for health reasons. But we’ve become so focused on the idea that weight loss is the key to happiness that we forget one crucial thing: weight loss doesn’t guarantee fitness, strength, or wellness.

plus size woman is distraught over having to lose weight all the time from extreme dieting and diet pills

Think about the sayings we hear all the time: "Weight loss is 80% diet" or "Abs are made in the kitchen." These phrases suggest that the only way to achieve your fitness goals is through what you eat, minimizing the importance of movement.

But here’s the truth: You can be thin and still lack strength, stamina, and confidence in your body’s abilities. You might lose weight, but can you lift your suitcase? Can you play with your kids without getting winded? Can you get off the couch without help?

plus size woman struggling to get her baggage in the overhead bin on a plane

The Curvy Goddess 30-Day Fitness Challenge is designed to flip the script. Instead of focusing only on what happens in the kitchen, we focus on what happens in your daily life—how your body moves, how strong you feel, and how capable you become. The challenge is about creating a body that supports you, not just one that fits into smaller clothes.

The Importance of Daily Movement the Curvy Goddess Way

Your body was designed to be active every day. You may have physical limitations now, but by establishing a daily exercise routine (it doesn't have to be formal), you will be surprised how quickly your body becomes stronger and more agile. Whether it’s a brisk walk, gentle stretching, or a quick strength session, incorporating movement into your daily life is the foundation of long-term fitness and health.

Imagine your life a month from now. After committing to daily movement, you’ll find that the stairs no longer feel so daunting, that lifting your suitcase or grocery bags feels more manageable, and that your overall energy has improved. These are the real benefits of fitness—benefits that go far beyond the number on the scale.

plus size woman bounding up the stairs because she joined the Curvy Goddess 30 day fitness challenge

What the Curvy Goddess 30-Day Fitness Challenge Looks Like

The Curvy Goddess 30-Day Fitness Challenge is about building a foundation of fitness that serves you in everyday life. The challenge isn’t about extremes or pushing yourself to exhaustion; it’s about consistency, self-care, and functional strength.

>>Click Here to Read the Disclaimer Before Proceeding<< 

By participating in this challenge, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to this disclaimer.

Here Are the Official Instructions of the Curvy Goddess 30-Day Fitness Challenge

  • Choose/Create a daily cardio plus a strength/core regimen along with any of the recovery practices (optional) from the lists below for 30 consecutive days. 
  • Check in twice on a daily basis by creating a post sharing how you’re doing, what you’re up to, and how your day went. Share a WIN.
  • Check ins all happen in the Weight Loss and Fitness Support for Plus Size Women Facebook Group HERE. >><<
  • Check in once by posting at the beginning of your day and check in once at the end of your day to share with the group how you did. 

It’s very important to check-in by posting consistently 2x a day. This will give you amazing accountability and motivation. It helps you stay on track giving you consistency.

Consistency is the name of the game to your success and to meeting your goals, not all-or-nothing or extreme action. 
And also checking in twice daily gives members in the community opportunities to support you and cheer you on.
Before you continue reading, STOP, and DO THIS NOW! 

Set your notifications where you get all posts for this group. If you're not set up for that then you'll miss most of the posts and you’ll miss the 30-Day Fitness Challenge.

Important Note: Your action or non action will affect your challenge experience, so it’s important that you don’t skip this.

Now here we go with the very, very important details . . . 

Step #1 - The Cardiovascular Exercise List 

Choose 1 thing from the cardiovascular list below daily. (For beginners, do this one thing for at least 7 minutes a day. Check in with yourself at the 7 minute mark. “Can I continue and do more?” If you can then go for it! If not, then that’s okay. You’ve committed to doing 7 minutes!):

  • Walk at a Brisk Pace - Get your heart pumping and circulation going with this energizing simple activity. 
  • Walking Intervals – Alternate between fast and moderate-paced walking for a challenge and to keep boredom at bay.
  • Create a Cardio Routine - With the following exercises put together a cardio routine that you can do in your living room. You don’t have to do all of these exercises. You can add or subtract. 

Low-Impact Jumping Jacks – Step out one leg at a time rather than jumping, great for beginners.

High-Knee Marching – Bring knees up high to engage the core while increasing heart rate.

Step-Ups – Use a sturdy step or low bench, stepping up and down continuously.

Marching in Place – Perfect for a quick, no-equipment-needed cardio boost.

Shadow Boxing – Punch and jab without equipment for a great cardio session.

Side Shuffles – Move side-to-side with light shuffling steps for agility and cardio.

Modified Burpees – Step back instead of jumping into the plank position to make it more accessible.

  • Chair Cardio - Find chair cardio videos on YouTube. There are tons and tons of them to choose from. 
  • Dancing - Put on your favorite music and dance, dance, dance! You'll be surprised that you're exercising because it just doesn't feel like it! 
  • Swimming or Water Aerobics – For those who have joint issues it's gentle on them but effective for cardio.
  • Kickboxing - Throw punches and kicks for an intense cardio session. Make sure to control your movements to prevent injury.
  • Cycling – Indoor or outdoor biking to work up a sweat. This is a fun activity to do and a way to cross-train to prevent likelihood of injury. 
  • Rowing - Another great way to cross-train since most of use will focus on walking and jogging for cardio exercise. 
  • Elliptical Trainer - This cardio activity is low-impact and very effective. You can switch off from treadmill to elliptical and back to treadmill to prevent boredom

Step #2 - The Strength & Core Exercise List

Create a strength and core exercise routine from the following exercises or you can go on YouTube and choose videos you think is a good fit for you. Do some kind of strength and or core routine on a daily basis, even if it’s for 10 minutes.

For intermediate and advanced strength training enthusiasts continue with your routine or change it up to help prevent plateaus.

To create a simple strength/core routine: Choose 6-12 exercises. Go through the 6-12 exercises back-to-back, then rest. Do it 1 or 2 more times. So by the end you will have done the circuit 2-3 times.  

  • Bodyweight Squats  It's a great way to strengthen legs and glutes. If it's too of an advanced move then use a chair and do sit-down, stand ups instead.  
  • Wall Sits - This is another great way to challenge yourself and strengthen legs at the same time. My 87 year old client does these all the time! 
  • Step Forward Touch – Step forward and touch the floor like you're about to pick something from off the ground.
  • Glute Bridges - Lift your hips while lying on your back for core and glute activation.
  • Knee Push-ups - Modified push-ups on the knees to work the chest and arms.   
  • Wall Push-ups - Modified push-ups using the wall to work the chest and arms.   
  • Plank (Modified or Full) - Core stabilization exercise; start on knees and then if it's to easy do it on feet with your knees off the floor.  
  • Superman Holds - Lie on your stomach and lift your arms and legs for a back and core workout.  
  • Standing Calf Raises - Strengthens calves and improves balance.  
  • Side Leg Lifts - Engage your hips and outer thighs by lifting the outside leg when you are on your side.
  • Bird Dog - A core stability exercise that also targets balance and coordination. 
  • Overhead Triceps Extension - An exercise addressing batwings. 
  • Step-Ups - Step up onto a stable platform to engage your legs and glutes. 
  • Biceps Curls with Dumbbells or Water Bottles - If you don't have dumbbells then you can use water bottles instead to curl for arm strength. 
  • Lunges (Stationary or Walking) - Works the legs and glutes; hold onto a chair for balance if needed. 
  • Clamshells - Lie on your side with knees bent and lift the top knee to target glutes and outer thighs. 
  • Standing Oblique Crunches - Target the side abdominal muscles by lifting your knee to meet your elbow
  • Modified Side Planks - Support yourself on your knees for a lower impact version. 
  • Dead Bug - Lie on your back and extend opposite arm and leg for a controlled core exercise. 
  • Seated Leg Extensions - Sit on a chair and extend your legs to strengthen your quads.
  • Chair Squats - Use a chair for assistance as your lower and rise or squats. 
  • Russian Twists (Seated) - Sit with knees bent and twist side to side to work your core.  

Step #3 (Optional) - The Recovery Practice List

Choose a recovery activity on the list below. Now, this is optional, but I think you’ll have a better experience if you do this step during the challenge. 

You’ll feel refreshed and ready to take on the next day of the challenge while preventing burnout and injury.

  • Get 6-8 hours of sleep – Aim for quality rest to support muscle recovery.

  • Have a high-protein meal with good fats – Promote muscle repair with balanced nutrition.
  • Apply magnesium oil on your legs and the bottom of your feet before bedtime – Magnesium can relax muscles and improve sleep.  
  • Epsom salt bath soak before bed – Soothe sore muscles and reduce inflammation.  
  • Foam rolling session – Release muscle tension and improve flexibility with gentle self-massage.
  • Gentle stretching routine – Enhance flexibility and relieve tightness with a 10-15 minute stretch session.
  • Hydrate with electrolytes – Replenish electrolytes after a tough workout to maintain muscle function. Stick with sugar-free options.
  • Active recovery walk – A slow, gentle walk to keep blood circulating and promote recovery.
  • Use a heating pad on sore muscles – Apply heat to ease muscle tension and promote relaxation.
  • Incorporate deep breathing exercises – Relax the nervous system with mindful breathing to reduce stress.
  • Eat anti-inflammatory foods – Incorporate foods like leafy greens, berries, and salmon to reduce inflammation.
  • Use a muscle rub or cream – Apply a muscle-relief cream with menthol or arnica to sore areas.
  • Meditation or mindfulness practice – Reduce mental stress, which can contribute to physical tension.
  • Elevate your legs for 10 minutes – Encourage blood flow and relieve tired legs by lying down with legs elevated.

Prep Days Done Thursday and Friday Before the 30-Day Challenge

PREP DAY #1 - Go to the Facebook Group on Thursday, September 5

In the comment under the post type in your cardio and strength/core regimen along with your recovery practice. Give us the opportunity to encourage and support you. 

Instructions image for the 30 day fitness challenge


So what’s your fitness practice you've chosen/created and want to take action for the next 30 days?

Check out the extensive cardio, strength/core, and recovery practice lists above.

The more specific you are, the more likely you will be consistent and succeed.

30dayfitnesschallenge set the intention image with plus size women in athleisure wear

Here is an example:

I, YOUR NAME, am committed to doing 8000 steps, 20 minutes of strength training, and doing at least one recovery practice every single day. I will check-in twice a day by posting in the Facebook group for accountability, motivation, and positive support from my Curvy Sisters.

>>Click Here to Go to Prep Day #2 Post in the Facebook Group to Set Your Intention<<

Let's Track Your Progress During the 30-Day Fitness Challenge

tracking program on your plus size fitness and weight loss journey
Create a point of reference to track your progress during your plus size fitness and weight loss journey. Here are some ideas.
  1. 1
    Step onto the Magic Scale: Sure, body fat scales aren't perfect, but they're like your own magic mirror! They give you a glimpse of how your body is transforming over time. Every little drop in that percentage is a win!
  2. 2
    Break Out the Measuring Tape: Ready for a little self-love session? Grab that measuring tape and track your waist, hips, chest, arms, and legs. Watch those numbers shrink or grow as your body shapes up into the curvy goddess you're becoming!
  3. 3
    Strike a Pose: Channel your inner supermodel and snap some progress photos! Take pics from different angles with consistent lighting and clothing. These photos will be your personal transformation gallery, showing off how far you've come!
  4. 4
    Tech it Up: Use a fitness app or wearable device to keep track of all your awesome achievements. Whether it's steps taken, calories burned, or sleep quality, let these gadgets be your personal cheerleaders, celebrating every step of your journey.
  5. 5
    Dream Tracker: Don't forget to track your sleep! Quality sleep is your secret weapon for recovery and feeling fabulous. Monitor your sleep patterns and give yourself a gold star every time you get those precious hours of rest.

How to be Eligible for the Prizes

plus size women at the end of the 30day fitness challenge holding trophies

Another element I've added and I'm sure you'll be super excited too, is the PRIZES. When you participate in the Curvy Goddess 30-Day Fitness Challenge you'll be eligible for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes.

As the Challenge group grows the prizes will get better and better.

How It Works

You can't catch up with this. If you forgot 5 days in a row and then create 5-10 posts in one day they don't count because the focus is on being consistent.

65% of the overall score will be determined on the consistency of check ins (once in the morning and once in the evening.)

35% of the overall score will be determined on the support given to fellow members through commenting on each other’s posts and the results/testimonial post at the end of the challenge. 

30-Day Fitness Challenge Invitation, Begins Monday, September 9

I invite you to join me in the Curvy Goddess 30-Day Fitness Challenge. Whether you have physical limitations or feel overwhelmed by traditional fitness routines, this challenge is for you. It’s not about doing everything perfectly; it’s about showing up for yourself every day, in small but meaningful ways.

Let go of the rhetoric that weight loss is 80% diet – your body deserves more than that. Let’s focus on what truly matters: building a body that can move, lift, stretch, and thrive.

This challenge is your opportunity to change your mindset, celebrate your body’s capabilities, and embrace a more holistic approach to fitness. No extremes, no pressure – just daily habits that will leave you feeling stronger and more confident.

Ready to change your mind and your body? It starts with daily movement, and it officially starts Monday, September 9, 2024.

Whether you’re lifting weights or walking your dog, every movement counts. The Curvy Goddess 30-Day Fitness Challenge will help you build sustainable habits that last a lifetime. Remember, fitness is about more than weight loss – it’s about creating a body that serves you in all aspects of life.

Now comment in the comments section below whether you’re ready and if you’re excited or not. And also if you have any questions and concerns I’d like to know and have the opportunity to answer them. 

Ready to elevate you plus size fitness and weight loss journey?

 >>Join the Curvy Goddess Renewal Program Today and Start Transforming Your Life!<<

About Diane Williams

With over 24 years of experience as a plus size personal trainer in the fitness industry, Diane specializes in working with plus size women, providing personalized plus size personal training and coaching with positive and patient support focused on sustainable lifestyle changes. She has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, DailyMail, Vogue Italia, Today, and The Grio, and was a fitness columnist for plus size magazine, FabUPlus.

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